My son was evaluated at a younger age than yours...he was 2 1/2. He had a team of a developmental ped, OT, and speech therapist get the diagnosis of "high functioning autism." Starting his therapies at that age was great since he caught up with his age mates. But in his case, his autism hid his giftedness and that was just documented officially this year in first grade. One person alone was not able to put together everything in DS's case. It has taken several teams and several years to get to what we have now: 2e gifted with Asperger's. I'm not convinced that this latest "diagnosis" won't change at some point either!! So my advice is to seek out someone who is experienced with the autism spectrum and someone experienced with one of the posters above mentioned, it may be hard to get one person who is experienced with both in one package like my DS and possibly it sounds like your DS! Good Luck! Nan smile