Thanks for the input. She does know the counselor because he participates in their class meetings. DD8 is in a good place right now -- getting along well with her teacher, likes her table group, not having friend issues, etc. I planned to talk to the counselor as a proactive measure, i.e. how can I support her when things start to fall apart again? DD8 is emotionally OE. She can take the slightest misstep and have it ruin her whole day/week. She is incredibly sensitive and hard on herself. According to her teacher, she handles things well at school and then falls apart at home. Sometimes I feel like I am being handed a live grenade at the end of the school day. In addition, DD8 periodically has self-esteem issues and questions whether she is gifted (her FSIQ IQ is in the 99.9 percentile) because of her dyslexia issues (mom, why can't I spell?). I told her what I planned to discuss with the counselor and asked if she wants to go. She doesn't want to go. I am planning to leave her home.