NanRos - That is exactly it! We aren't making him do math problems for 2 hours on a Saturday morning. It's self-driven. Your DS sounds so much like mine (and so like many others)!

We talked to someone at CTY too and she said that about 40% of the schools pay for it. We hope the school will pay for it, but our area is losing a lot of teachers and support staff this year because of revenue short falls. We will be lucky if we still have art and gym in a couple years.

I think we are going to bring up a few points at the meeting; doesn't take away teacher time, we will monitor his progress, isn't a pull out and doesn't rely on other class' schedules, and we will add in Dandy's point of "filling in the gaps" if they have concerns (very good point, thank you!).

Logically, it makes sense. But what I'm wary of are the psycho-social arguments that may be brought up, which aren't always rational or true.

I'm checking into ALEKS and EPGY too! Thanks Dandy! I'm guessing that we haven't heard about EPGY because we are on the East Coast, maybe?