I'm new to the forum and would be thankful for a little advice. Our DS7, upon entering public school last year was accelerated from K to 2nd grade. He hit the ceiling on several of the WISC subtests and CoGAT. Also, tested very high on a KeyMath assessment by the school. We've been told by his classroom teacher (who is an amazing advocate for him) that he needs more than acceleration and that we should look into a CTY online math course for next year. (We've already been told that it would be hard for him to take math with upper grades because of scheduling and there are no pull-out programs for math). He's taken the SCAT and qualified. Now we just need to talk to the principal and gifted teacher. I'm worried that they will be reluctant to hear our case, because I think that they may be locked into the stereotype of "children need to be children and shouldn't be pushed"; which is not our case.

Does anyone have experience pleading their case for a CTY course at their school? Has anyone offered to pay for it themselves and had luck? How is it working out?

Thank you for your help!!!