Hi there,

I think Mommyj2 hit it on the nose. In our house, each of our kids is expected to do some activity that is physical. This hasn't been an issue for my son, he likes a lot of things, but has been more of an issue for my DD4: dance (she didn't like it but she liked wearing her dance outfit :)), soccer (she just wanted to play at the nearby playground), gymnastics (she loves it and still does it, but we periodically are told by her she hates it - usually when she is tired and has had an overbusy week and just doesn't want to go anywhere), swimming (she loves it is spurts - so we let her take a break - maybe do one session and then skip a session). I think it is important that they agree (without coercion) what their activity is going to be. What about golf, roller skating, ice skating, bowling, fencing etc. etc.

If this is something he asked to do and now is changing his mind, I think it is fair to keep him going. If it was your idea and he agreed only half heartedly then I am not sure at age 6 I would continue to force him given his reaction (unless a team is relying on him, and that might have to be an entirely different discussion). That being said, I think you are right to not allow him to think that he can just hang out at home with a screen in front of him.

I guess I would think about:
- why do you think sports are important (for some men I think being good at sports represents "masculinity" and you sometimes see Dads pushing their kids into sports)
- what lessons do you want him to learn - or do you think the lessons can wait
- is there a reason outside of the sports that may make him not want to go (is he overscheduled, does he just need time at home to hang out?)

Good luck, no easy answers I know. Cat