DD's imaginative play has always been extreme and most of the kids her age just don't get it, but probably more to do with personalty, she is content to play with her toys and create a world where the toys come to life. Recently we got Toy Story the movie for her and she was obsessed with it. And for the first time she was begging for a specific toy: Woody. So I looked around and found her Woody and Buzz. She was ecstatic when she got them and had to quickly write her name on the bottom of their feet, just like the movie. And then she quickly took them to her room to leave them there because she was sure that they would come to life when left alone. Not shocking that she was drawn to the movie since it represents what she already sees with her own toys ... a magical world which she partakes in. This isn't to say that we are not allowed to join her and do all the time but if we are busy she has no problem entertaining herself.

If she didn't ... I probably would be exhausted because these kids can zap the energy out of you! I think the stuff animal idea is a great one. Definitely worth a try.