Well, we haven't gotten the official word yet, but the outlook is bleak. DD6 only scored a 104 on the NNAT nonverbal screener, so she will get no points in the aptitude part of the matrix. At this point, it's still mathematically possible for her to qualify to take a real IQ test. They are waiting on the teacher's rating scale. I think it's rare for a kid to get a perfect score on that, though. From what I know so far, DD6 probably has 9 out of 10 points on the achievement part of the matrix and 0 out of 5 on aptitude. I figure she will get at least 4 out of 5 on characteristics, which would only give her 13 points (1 point shy of qualifying for further testing). Five out of 5 would do it, but it's not likely that it will happen.

I'm bummed. The same thing happened to DD9 the last two years. Both of my girls are very bright and pick things up extremely easily. Their teachers have always talked about how smart and ahead they are. They consistently ace achievement tests. They are great readers and writers, too. How can they have average ability and yet achieve at such a high level? Why the discrepancy? Maybe the NNAT is just not their test. After all, it's purely a visual-spatial test.

I'm really, really disappointed.