Originally Posted by pinkpanther
DH and I referred DD6 for GATE screening at her public school. The state uses a matrix point system for screening. Aptitude is worth up to 5 points, gifted characteristics (done by the teacher) is worth up to 5, and achievement is worth up to 10. A score of 17+ qualifies a kid for services, and a score of 14-16 means a kid gets an IQ test to determine eligibility. ARGGGGHHH!!! It's so hard to wait!

Good luck, I agree waiting is so tough!
I hope all goes well. I do think that your state's screen process is commendable. I like that they identify a group of kids that are 'possibles' and then follows up more in depth. Ideally they would provide testing for the 17+ kids to help with educational planning, but that's expensive and rare!

I think it's a very good sign that the teachers are supportive. I believe that that will be enough to get her into the 'possible' group no matter how she does on the NNAT. I'm not familar with the NNAT so I can't offer any insight there.

Best Wishes,

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