Thank you so much for your responses. It is really helpful. I have another question. They kept on basically saying that if he could just slow down and attend that things would be better for him school-wise. However, the doctor did not diagnose him with ADHD. During the IEP there was some talk with the OT that possibly his distractibility and need to slow down could be due to not being able to filter out sensory stimulation (auditory, the fidgeting(need for movement), etc.) I feel that it would be helpful to have him fully assessed by an OT. Could I make a case with the school district to have him privately evaluated for an OT and them pay for it. What I'm saying is if the school is saying his going too fast, distractibility, etc is a factor in hindering his academics but he was not diagnosed with ADHD then do they have to help pay for assessments to figure out why he isn't slowing down and attending (ie: O.T. assessment or other). They already told me that I would have to have gifted testing done privately. However, I am wondering if there is a case to have them pay for a private OT assessment. Or should I just bag the whole idea of trying to get help from the school and pay for it and do it all on my own. Any thoughts?