eema- Ah, the skills session sounds fantastic. I think such an animal IS offered at my son's middle school through the SPED services, but unfortunately, that's one of the things we chose to forego because it didn't fit with the self-contained GT program (they're on a different schedule and it would've disrupted his classroom structure too much to pull him out in the middle of a block/period to go to the resource room).

I LOVE the out of the box accommodation. That's an awesome idea because my son sounds much like yours with the "quirky responses." See my "quark" story under the "you know you have a 2e child when...." section and you'll agree. LOL. It's very in line with your C4 explosives story.

intparent: Ohhh, okay. I get the math test bit now. It sounds like the current solution we have in place sort of resolves that problem in a similar way. Your story does make me wonder though, about the "clutter" on the page. I guess I can see why that could be overwhelming to these kids.

Age-Gap parenting a 2e 12-year-old and an 8-month-old