I know a lot of our kids have IEPs or 504s or at least some sort of system in place to help them stay on track if they're in a traditional school setting.

As we have a MET team meeting coming up (again), I have another opportunity to review my DS12's IEP and I'm wondering if you can share your favorite school/classroom accommodations.

My son has a lot of issues with executive function (specifically: organization, prioritization, memory, auditory processing, and focusing) and I'd like some good accommodations in place to help with basic school functions, expectations, and tasks.

So far, we have duplicate textbooks, written notes, posted homework assignments, consistent communication with teachers, permission for a scribe, peer note sharing, preferential seating, separate test-taking, extra time, and assignment limitation consideration.

Those are all great, and I hope they work (they just started this past quarter and seem to be helping), but if there's anything we're missing, I'd like to write it in sooner rather than later!

Age-Gap parenting a 2e 12-year-old and an 8-month-old