Confession time -

I have done some of this stuff. I like to read everything on a topic so when I was pregnant I read EVERYTHING available on babies and their development, including the Doman books. The one on physical development was kind of interesting. I don't remember much now, but I always encouraged my kids to walk A LOT and they slept on their tummies from birth (the were strong big babies and our ped knew).

I also did flash cards with dots on them because this was supposed to give them some intuitive sense of quantities. Makes sense to me. It's not something I spent more that ten hours on in total, but the idea seems reasonable.

It did have value because I learned that any time my baby started to fuss (like in line at the bank) all I had to do was stick something with graphics in front of him and I would get another couple of minutes of quiet. Credit card application? Fascinating!