My ds9 (fourth grade) took it for the first time and it definitey corresponded to what I would have expected. His scores were:
Composite 19
English 17
Math 19
Reading 17
Science 21
I don't really know what you'd consider "high" on the Science, but for us, I thought 21 was high-especially given that we did no prep, do no enrichment, etc. However, ds loves science. He says he wants to be a biologist. His oldest sister, my dd19, is a junior in college majoring in Biology. They talk sometimes (her college is close, although she lives there)and he loves to discuss biology things. But, he doesn't really read about science- he prefers fiction.
I'm not surprised that reading is his lowest. He has high verbal scores and had a very high lexile reading level, but he's much better with factual or literal texts. His pullout gifted program does a lot of Junior-Great-Books-style interpretive questions and the like, and that's a challenge for him. I don't think his school has a particularly strong English program (still more reading as opposed to learning grammar, etc) so I would expect that to be lower. So, I think that the science part was high because it matched his interest in science, his high reading level and his general intelligence, but didn't require the nuanced interpretations that are hard for him.
I think that it helped that he went relatively fast. I was worried because we hadn't really prepped at all and he didn't want to wear a watch (I pulled out the ticket that morning and realized that he didn't have one and offered him mine, lol) but he said that he thinks he finished them all. However, he said science was close.
We haven't done any enrichment in math, but he does do accelerated math (one year ahead). I'm sure that there were things he hadn't been exposed to, but he seeemed happy when he finished the test.
The funny thing was, last year he scored in the 75%-ile on the 3rd grade math ISAT. I wasn't concered since he was already in 4th grade math (acceleration starts grade 3 here) and has always found it very easy, but it's kind of funny that he scored 75%-ile against kids a year behind him in math, and then 89th%-ile against 8th graders.
When he came out of the ISATs he said, "boring!!" but when he came out of the EXPLORE test he said, "I liked it; it was fun."

It was a good experience for us overall, and even though he didn't score super highly, he certainly did well enough for me to feel good about where he's at and realize that enrichment would be a good thing for him!

He would LOVE to take the Biology class offered this summer at CTD (we live about an hour away) but with one in college, one a rising college Freshman and another brother who also needs camps this summer, it's hard to justify over $1,000. Sigh...

(I hope it's okay for non-Davidson people to post here. I've been reading it since we thought about doing Explore and it's really informative!)
