On the WISC lV my DS(then 6) scored 144 - 99.8 percentile on the arithmetic part, but only 103 - 58th percentile on processing speed. I've been aware of issues with this difference for a while now, but am just facing a new hurdle. DS(now 7) has been grade skipped 2 grades in Math, and until now this has worked well. However Math Minutes are now the thing, and although he knows his tables inside out (he's always quickest in the class orally), he's really slow at getting the answers down in timed test (of course he is 2 years younger than others in the class). For instance he came home with a 72% score due to the unfinished questions today. In itself this isn't a big deal, but the school has really been on board advancing him, and have before now suggested they accelerate him further next year without me even having to ask: ). I'm afraid of loosing their confidence if this 'hic-up' becomes an issue, and really want to be ready to respond if that's the case. Any ideas? Also, do you think this discrepancy is going to cause problems with his Math in the long run? Has anyone had experience of this? It would be so disappointing because he truly loves the subject. He's done well in all other Math tests that haven't been timed so precisely.