Originally Posted by hanna
Talk to your child about the test setting is the most important thing imo. My D. took SCAT when she was 9 (5th grade, just about 10 years old). We did talk to her about how there were two sessions, she should use 22 min for each, etc. Well, she got in, came out after 8 min. said she was done. She took a break, went back in. Supposely the second part is also 22 min. She was in for about35 min. I still don't know what happened there. She did not do as well as we hoped. I think that has something to do with the fact that she was so unfamiliar with the test rules. She did pass CTY score line so we did not bother to re-test. So my suggestion is make sure your child understand he/she has 22 min. make sure he has sense to time and time limit. etc.

My daughter did the same thing. I sent her back, and she popped out after about 10 minutes. She did very well on that section, so I don't think she was rushing through it.
After the second section, they had her complete an evaluation on the computer. That might have been what took your daughter the extra time at the end.