I have two kids who are "quantitatively gifted." They both do MI one year above grade level in a gifted program. Our school is using the second version of MI and also drills for memorizing basic math facts. For DD10, MI is boring and repetitive. For DD8 who is dyslexic, MI is very word intensive. She has had issues with "explaining or showing her work." She can look at a problem and know the answer. Then we have to go back and do excruciating busy work to draw number lines or sticks and dots that don't honestly reflect how she got the answer. Even worse she has to write sentences like, I know that 49 is near 50 and I know 22 is near 20, so 49-22 is about 30. She hates this since she can look at it and know that the answer is 27. Also, MI won't let them use column addition in the early grades so, my DD is not allowed to use a method that makes sense to her. For gifted dyslexics, MI is a nightmare.