Thanks for all the great help, everyone!

That's one LOOOOONG article, Questions! It has some good stuff in it, so I'm getting through it, but I wanted to stop and say thanks for the link!

Kim, home schooling is definitely addictive! The speed with which you cover whatever interests your child (and you!) combined with the laid-back schedule is so nice.

E&CMom: I'm part of a home school group that has "Wednesday School," but it's only for kids who are a good bit older than my DS6. I've asked about getting him in early, but I'm too new to make waves, especially over something that's not strictly necessary for him, and that might not even be right for his needs. (I even tried to bribe them with my teaching sometimes, since I used to teach college-level English...) Besides, I'd imagine that I'd have to stay in the room if my child were the youngun' of the group, and my having to stay every week would defeat the whole purpose of his joining the group!

Please, keep those thoughts coming! I love this group! smile
