Kriston - I think I'm a bit like you with advocacy. I could reasonably do a little advocacy - like for a more MG child (maybe DD3 will be this child - who knows?). But advocating to the point of multiple possible grade skips for a reasonable experience scares me on so many levels. Although, thanks again for this board because I feel like I've come a long way mentally since we started this journey!

I've heard from other homeschooling friends, that once you homeschool, it's hard to go back to someone else's agenda and curriculum. So I hope something works out so everyone in your family is happy! I hope the part time option at least is viable!

I think we are leaving DD3 at the 3 morning a week tiny, mixed age preschool she is at this year for Pre-K. She absolutely loves it and it is generally non-academic, but very open ended. I know there are a number of GT kids that have come out of there. And it's 2 blocks from our house!