1) I ordered the IAS from Great Potential Press http://www.giftedbooks.com/productdetails.asp?id=92 This is the second edition. If you're using the CoGAT you'll need the 3rd edition. But I checked it out from our library first and made sure that it was what I wanted.

2) I don't think most educators are familiar with it. However, when I put it on the table in our meeting our Principal said "Oh, you've seen the IAS." Which put an immediate halt to the discussion over social issues and skips being a bad idea. I don't know exactly why he was willing to debate until I pulled out the IAS. But he was clearly familiar with it.

3) My son did a mid-year skip from 1st to 2nd. He easily could have started the year in 2nd, skipping 1st altogether. But since he was starting at a new school, we didn't know what to expect or how 1st grade would be.

For us, the best weapon was his teacher. She was intensely focused on the idea that DS should not be in her 1st grade class and that she was doing him a huge disservice having him in there daily. I didn't need to present her with any research. We just had a very frank conversation and I asked her how she would be able to differentiate more. When we started talking, I realized that she was totally overwhelmed. I said "Do you think he'd be better served in 2nd grade?" and she just about fell apart with joy that I'd suggested it. She thought I was against the idea!

From meeting with the principal, district psychologist and his teacher to the skip being implemented- 2 weeks.

So the moral I guess is, sometimes there isn't a battle where you think there will be!