I'm hoping to get in contact with other parents who have used the Iowa Acceleration Scale to assist with grade skipping their child. Here are my questions....

1. Where do you get a copy of the IAS? I noticed Amazon sells the manual but I couldn't find the forms.
2. Are educators, in general, familiar with this assessment tool or will I most likely be introducing something new to his school?
3. Has anyone successfully grade skipped their child using the IAS? Stories and anecdotes are welcome.

I have a stack of articles I printed from a link from another post to give to his teacher. If I can get her on board with it, it will be easier to go to the principal. My DS5 is in K this year and ,with an August birthday, is already one of the youngest in his class. Now it's the end of the year and he is so beyond it I think 2nd grade would be perfect. I really like the idea of the IAS though, because of the analytical approach that takes into account more than just academics.