My son is only in first grade and gets OT/ST, but the beginning of the year they talked about "easing him out of those." We got his outside therapists to write about how he needed them in school at the same level. I'm sure every year is going to be a fight to allow him to keep his much needed speech and OT. We are lucky in that we are able to have outside therapies also, because what our school provides is not enough...even though they want to decrease the amount they give him! Like you, I don't understand what the school therapists base their recommendations on: your son has poor handwriting, so why can't he get OT??? Ridiculous!! My son's school is the same way...we have to fight for every little 45 minute time slot! I don't have any advice on how to deal with the school, except that if you CAN, get private OT or speech. The school says they don't base services on outside therapists recommendations, but I think they do a little. Nan