I know you are all adults here and easily understand what the correct answer to the question about "why are streets numbered in order?" is but a good answer would be something like:

Streets are numbered in order so that one could tell how far they are from each other just from their names which one can't do if they are numbered randomly. In sum, they are numbered in order for people's convenience.

Why should one keep away from bad company?
One should keep away from bad company because he might get undeservingly accused of wrongdoing if the bad company does something bad just because he is associated with them, although he is completely innocent and uninvolved in their immoral or illicit activities.

Why do we keep money in a bank?
We keep money in a bank because there they accrue interest while keeping them at home doesn't increase their amount. Also, money may get lost at home while it is very unlikely to get lost in a bank.

Why do we have laws?
We have laws so as to prevent people from doing harm to themselves or others. Since laws demand behavior that's beneficial to society and mandate consequences for violations, people have a strong dissentive to violate them and thus laws serve to prevent people from causing harm to others.

Last edited by asiral; 03/11/10 12:32 PM.