onthegomom and mnmom23,
Wow, you're both on the same wavelength. I will definitely get him to take the pictures. We were also planning on getting phone numbers from all the parents in the neighborhood and setting up playdates where they could still see their friends and run around the neighborhood.

Thank you so much for your words. I know that it is a hard thing for me to do this because I didn't have that neighborhood with kids as a child. I moved a lot and rarely kept friends. I hate that I am moving my children at this point, but our current house is too small and while we have looked at expanding it, the costs don't make sense for this area. Plus, this wasn't really "our" house, my dh had it before we got together. Now we have found a house that all of us (including the children) love.

My DS knows that some of the kids in the neighborhood will move in the coming year. I think that helps. We also got season passes to an amusement park he loves, which is extremely close to our new house. I will be taking him to the playground near his school more often, since before it was quite a drive.