Our school district (the one in which I work AND the one which DD attends) has an online gradebook for the parents to see. It is a double edged sword: it's an awesome way to communicate with parents but you have to keep up with it and use it wisely.

Today, I nearly had a coronary. Two of DD's three teachers had been sitting on some grades and posted them all this morning. Apparently, DD didn't turn in a major project two weeks ago and it was worth two test grades. In another class, she has 12 (yes, that's TWELVE) zeroes for classwork. All twelve classwork assignments are scored zero.

I contacted the teachers right away and DD is currently seated at the table doing the assignments. It's going to be a long night.

But I'm so frustrated and angry! Yes, DD has the responsibility to do the assignments on time (and turn them in, which is usually the actual problem) but would you guys expect an email or a phone call from the teacher about something like this? The teachers had to know that the work was missing before today?!?!

DD12, 7th. Dx'd ADHD/GAD. No IQ test. EXPLORE & SAT just miss DYS but suspect HG+