I was re-reading Deborah Ruf's book just these few days--and it's so amazing. The first time I read it was when my kids were much younger and it had not occurred to me yet how hard it can be to find a good school environment for them. Now that we've been through everything, I feel that Ruf's book was such an accurate description of the teachers and schools that we met, and of our experience from being naive and hopeful to frustrated but still hopeful to finally giving up.

But anyways, DS9 saw the book lying around so he picked it up and read a few chapters. He felt that this is such an awesome book! Finally someone describing his experience at school and making sense of everything! Finally he has realized that some other kids out there are going through exactly the same bad school experience as he is.

But should I let him read it? He does read lots of books written for grown-ups and I did let him read a few parenting books such as NurtureShock and Outliers (hardly a parenting book but does have so many good points). But on the other hand I don't want him to be too conscious about being GT and about GT education. I don't want him to feel different or special (of course everyone is special but I hope you know what I mean), and I want him to respect schools and teachers and the other kids at school. And I don't want him to inadvertantly mutter something to his teachers and friends that he read from the book.

Have your kids read books on GT education? smile Would you let them?