My DD3.9 was able to spell some words at 2, but now at 3.9 is really just becoming able to write words. She tends to omit vowels or use one letter when there are double letters etc. There are some things she can write with no problem and with no prompting from me. She has become interested in doing this on her own and I am not sure if I should interfere at all, but some part of me wants to help her but I try to be hands off to some extent because I want her to want to do it and feel in control of it (it being whatever she is interested in) and have a perfectionistic streak that I am trying to keep in check.

Here is an idea that might be fun for early writers: writing notes back and forth to one another and playing post office. She has a little mailbox. She can't write a whole note yet, but it would be a fun thing to do.

I just found a site online that suggested that we as parents / teachers focus more on content and less on accuracy (in spelling) for early writers. Heck, that was advice for kindergarten and first grade so that should tell me something about not needing to correct too much: any opinons? I tried not to correct her too much when she was learning to speak, and I guess the important thing here is that she feels confident in the act of writing and is using phonic awareness to take a stab at how to spell things.

Anyway, I was just looking for others experience of their children learning to spell and how much you helped them with that process.