Hi OHGrandma,

Originally Posted by OHGrandma
Any advice on knowing when acceleration is the best option, or when it's better to supplement the education at home and let the child remain with his chronological peers?

With the test that was given, you basically don't know anything about his LOG, which is a large part of the answer to the question in your original post . It's a wonderful score, but It just doesn't tell you more than "Yes, you do need to check on this."

For say, 2/3rd of the kids all over the country who scored 98% on their Math IBTS for their age level, your enrichment plan is excellent. So if you are lucky, then you can afford to watch and wait. OTOH, there is a big enough chance that I would urge you to get that testing done ASAP.

You talk about social stability being key for him. My son skipped 5th, and I can assure you that the farther along the kid is in the public school track, the more destabilising the skip would be expected to be. And if your DG's behavior starts to downward spiral - you won't feel you have a choice, yes?

I love your plan, but I would urge you to get an individualized IQ test, and a Talent Search test to go with it. In the meantime, talk to the school about seeing if he and the BF can go to a higher grade just for Math. That seems like a fairly safe way to test the waters, and they can go together. DG can see how he feels about being with the bigger boys.

Bottom Line: As long as he is either close to moderatly gifted, or has an accepting personality, you really can do it all afterschool and at home. But please don't 'watch and wait' yourself into a corner, ok?

Love and More Love,

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