Kriston - too funny!!! I was in a similar place as you. My mother always answered my questions completely honestly so I knew all about the birds-and-bees by the time I was around 3. When I got to school, I was the go to kid for answers to questions and I'd answer them all just as honestly and if I didn't know I'd ask my mom!!!! I'm sure she never knew I was passing all this information around to the other kids but nobody's parent ever came after me to stop me so I guess it was all ok!!!! :-)

My kids have asked tons of tough questions too about death and the state of the world and I have always followed my mother's example and told the truth as best as I can while being as reassuring as I can be. I remember worrying about lots of stuff when I was little and I still worry way more than I should. But I've realized worrying has never done me any good so I try to pass that on to my kids in the hopes that they won't worry as much as I did (and do). I try to tell them to not worry about things they can't do anything about but try to do something about the things they can. smile