Originally Posted by incogneato
I definately remeber having night terrors. I can actually remember a few of the dreams and when recalling I definately recall the emotion attatched to the memory.


Point of clarification: night terrors and nightmares are two different things.

In a night terror, the child screams bloody murder and seems inconsolable, but never wakes up and has absolutely no memory of the event. It's awful for the parents, but totally harmless and not at all scary to the child.

Nightmares, on the other hand, often wake the child (or adult, for that matter...) and are thoroughly memorable and frightening. If you remember it, it almost certainly wasn't a night terror, but was instead a nightmare.

However, I was really asking about memories of those paralyzing waking fears, like clones, burglars, and death. Any of those?
