Hi Amanda,

I hope I didn't worry you unnecessarily. I'm not even convinced my DD has these issues at a serious enough level to warrent any sort of treatment. The biggest issue I have with her is that she is stuck on "HIGH" most of the time and I am not sure swinging in a swing would turn down the volume at all... a majority of the time she is happy, really happy, and when she blows a fuse, it is intense, but she bounces back and doesn't sulk etc.

First off, I should have explained that the proprioceptive system provides feedback from your muscles, joints, and tendons and the vesibular deals with balance for those who didn't know or who weren't in the mood to look it up online.

For the vestibular, my daughter has had a harder time than many kids feeling safe and balanced on high structures, climbing, or a balance beam, but can do those things. Could she just be the kid who is good with books, but not on playground equipment? For the proprioceptive system, she can handle things too roughly, knock into me, love to jump and crash and swing. She CAN sit quietly at storytime, she sat on my lap quietly at musical shows, Christmas at church, etc. She doesn't walk in strange way and the fact that she doesn't like to climb isn't really noticed since she is a girl (I think if a boy was more cautious about those things people might notice more). Where she is a handful is around impulse control, loud talking, and more energy than anyone else has in the room.

Is OT right for that or is this just a personality thing?????? I am at a loss really. I suppose it can't hurt to go and have them suggest things and see if it helps calm her but really, that would be more for everyone else's benefit because she isn't upset or unhappy when she is wound up,just overwhelms people around her. I hope someone with more experience and understanding can chime in here and help us out :-)