I'm in one of those more protected states so thankfully we have an IEP which gets my DS pulled out 2 hours a day for math and reading each day. Okay. I'm thankful for that.

What I also want is for some things to be done in the classroom and written on the IEP. After many emails back and forth, I'm being told that although it's not a policy, that this district doesn't write up anything being done in the regular classroom on the IEP. Not a policy, just the norm. So anything that we want done in the regular classroom has to be addressed outside of the IEP. My concern is that if it's not written in the IEP it won't actually get done. I don't want to fight a battle that I don't need to and yet I want to make sure that get the stuff DS needs in the regular classroom gets addressed too.

Am I just being overly concerned with the document or is it worth going the next step which is mediation or formal complaint to try and get the other stuff added?