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Posted By: Momma Bear How much do you fight for? - 01/27/10 09:54 PM
I'm in one of those more protected states so thankfully we have an IEP which gets my DS pulled out 2 hours a day for math and reading each day. Okay. I'm thankful for that.

What I also want is for some things to be done in the classroom and written on the IEP. After many emails back and forth, I'm being told that although it's not a policy, that this district doesn't write up anything being done in the regular classroom on the IEP. Not a policy, just the norm. So anything that we want done in the regular classroom has to be addressed outside of the IEP. My concern is that if it's not written in the IEP it won't actually get done. I don't want to fight a battle that I don't need to and yet I want to make sure that get the stuff DS needs in the regular classroom gets addressed too.

Am I just being overly concerned with the document or is it worth going the next step which is mediation or formal complaint to try and get the other stuff added?
Posted By: Grinity Re: How much do you fight for? - 01/27/10 10:28 PM
Our kids are gifted 24/7. It makes no sense to me that they should be expected to be 'filled' with 2 hours a day.

I think it depends on if you child's need are getting met at this time. Can you spend some time observing his classroom to get an idea of what is going on in there?

Posted By: melmichigan Re: How much do you fight for? - 01/27/10 10:46 PM
I would second observing, to make sure your child's needs aren't being met and how he is responding to that. If not make sure you have a good understanding of your child's impressions and feelings and those of the teacher so you can be specific when making requests.

Do you have any advocating agencies in your state that you can turn to for advice? In my experience the school is much more inclined to do things they might not otherwise consider if an advocate is involved. Especially if there isn't something written saying they can do it. smile
Posted By: kspitzer Re: How much do you fight for? - 01/27/10 11:24 PM
As an educator, I would recommend writing all expectations in the IEP. It is legally binding, so teachers pay closer attention to what is expected. This will also help teachers year to year know the expectation.
Posted By: Momma Bear Re: How much do you fight for? - 01/28/10 01:22 PM
On observing... I've already been told that observing isn't allowed. Which is a bunch of malarky, but I don't really need it. I know that he isn't being challenged in certain areas just from talking with him and from being a teacher. He doesn't seem to mind though.

And I'm with making it legal. Without the IEP the teachers just don't take it seriously.

So if he doesn't mind and I can supplement at home, do I just drop it for the year and try to push some more next year? I already got a 'No, you can't put other stuff in the IEP' from the head of special ed at the state level. So if I'm going to fight more, it's going to get complicated. I don't want to cut off my nose to spite my face so to speak.

Confusion frown
Posted By: onthegomom Re: How much do you fight for? - 01/28/10 02:39 PM
You are saying an IEP is legally binding? Are you using the word legally seriously?

My DS goes to parochial school and recieved a Indivual Accomidation Plan. Is this legally binding?
Posted By: vicam Re: How much do you fight for? - 01/28/10 03:28 PM
Yes IEP's are legally binding. Ask to reconvene his IEP team to modify and adjust goals and objectives. That it is not done in the regular classroom is a bunch of malarky, that is the goal of SPED, to get kids out into the mainstream as much as possible. The IEP is the place to clarify where and when any modifications and accomedations are to occur and what personnel is responsible for providing and implementing that goal/objective. They should also be providing regular progress reports of how the child is progressing. All of these records for IEP's are kept in a blue file that follows the child throughout school. If they are on a 504 plan there should be a yellow folder. This is standard practice.
Posted By: Momma Bear Re: How much do you fight for? - 01/28/10 06:08 PM
It's only legally binding in public schools in protected states.
Posted By: Momma Bear Re: How much do you fight for? - 01/28/10 06:14 PM
Thanks viacam. That's my take on it.

It justs sets my fuse off to be told that it's not an official policy and there isn't any wording in the federal or state mandates that says not to write in IEP goals outside of the time spent with the gifted teacher. And yet they won't do it!

I think I'd have at least a 50/50 chance of having them put IEP goals that happen with the regular ed teacher in the plan if I pushed it. I just think it may take years. So I'm just trying to figure out where to spend my energy. Fighting for it to get into the IEP which could take years or fighting for it to get done without it. Maybe one while I'm working on the other.

I was so naive when I started this process thinking he'd get identified and do the IEP and poof, a great education.
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