WOW! I feel like I wrote some of the previous posts myself. I am so happy to hear there are other women out there just like me. At least one of my 4 kids is diagnosed ADHD so I've been trying to figure myself out for sometime. I have 4 kids within 5 years of each other, no support system (introvert..) and no family withing a 1000 miles. So, basically I'm swamped all the time! I am my kid's taxi and my husband works alot so I do it all. Still have two little ones at home all day. I also work 12 hrs a week from home doing computer support (while trying to still watch my little

I have been on meds for depression for over a year and a 1/2 and they seem to make a difference but here is a question. Since taking the meds over the last year or so I have become increasingly less and less interested in the housework, laundry etc. I used to be the type to stay up until 2am to clean, do laundry etc. Now I just don't do it. When the kids go to bed at night I search the web for info on my latest "challenge" or "interest" and usually still stay up until midnight. I don't have the same energy I did before the depression meds.

Before kids I was always early to appts, etc. but never liked to be extremely neat and organized. Now I'm just a disaster. How is a wreck, meals are never planned, laundry always in a huge pile.....

I have been wondering if I shouldn't give ADHD a better look. Lately, I can't even remember what I did the day before and I forget simple words. I can walk into another room to do something and forgot what it was by the time I get there.