Hey folks, bringing up this old thread to see how everyone is doing with any / all forms of social skills training...hope things are going better for everyone's ds's (mostly ds's, right?)

Our ds9 is doing better, the school did have him in a 6 week session of their social skills group and by the end of it they were calling me about what group he went to during the summer because he seemed in pretty good shape, and frankly were wondering why he needed to be in the group at all! This was great news, although I know there are still other issues with his mood (much improved but something we need to monitor/help with) and with some anxiety, although that also is much improved.
I still see him hitting bumps in the road here and there, but he really does appreciate more why he should reciprocate in a conversation, respect and ask about other people's interests, etc. Cub scouting has been a great practice ground, as well as just a fun time for him.
All in all a solid success story, I hope anyone who is considering one of these sst groups can find one that will work for a ds or dd who is struggling with making friends and/or fitting in.