Chris, thanks so much! that's exactly where I've been stymied...I have that book and have really liked it, but I cannot get my son to sit down with me and do any of it, and I haven't been creative enough to think of a way to sneak it in. He's been seeing a counselor and that's been much more effective - he wants to do well for her. So I think outside groups would work much better here, too. Not least b/c it's just so much less loaded hearing something from someone not your parent! but I definitely don't know the social nuances of young boys. Something I wonder about all the instinct is to tamp down the wrestling/shoving, and in fact my oldest son is not very keen on it unless with his brother. But it seems like some primal way they communicate acceptance, which leaves me wondering if I ought to encourage my 7 year old to act like his 3 year old brother, and gain admiration by picking people up and throwing them to the floor. (3 did that to one of 7's friends, and the 7s were so impressed - and my 7 so proud - that I didn't reprimand 3).