My mom forwarded me this...
DD is to young to IQ test and I do not plan on it till she is 5-6 because we would have to travel pretty far to have it done before that (no one in our area administers tests to children under 5 and all are looking more for ADHD etc then for gifted)

Anyway, what do you think of this?

A different file she sent shows how to administer and score it....each part the child should get 80% correct to move on to the next age level's question. The last level the child gets 80% correct on, is used to calcuate score....for example it says if a 6 year old is functioning on a 6 year old level then her iq is calculated 6/6 x 100= iq of 100
6 year old functioning on a 8 year old level would be calcuated like this
8/6 x 100= iq of 133

Thoughts on weather this would give a good ball park.

Just looking at what I know DD can do and not on administering the test she would be able to complete over 80% of the 5 year old level, but not quite 80% of the 6 year old (mainly due to not being able to write very well yet)...thus calculating 5/2.9 x 100 = iq of 172, although her nonverbal would be on a 6 year old level giving that part a specific iq of 202. These seem to be similar numbers to the SB L-M

These seem really high, although the age levels match up to what dd is doing and where her pediatrician placed her at her last appointmet 3 months ago.

Anway, just wondering what anyone else thought as I was curious after my mom forwarded to me.

Homeschooling on a remote island at the edge of the world.