Thank you for your comments.

I am expecting a call from this Blue Ribbon school Principal today. He has 35 years experience with Gifted. There population is about 400. That sound very good to me. They said they don't have a gifted program but do differenciation in the class room. This is a school that is not too far and also has Sports, Science Olympiad, Chess club. Money may be an issue. They have some finacial aid so it may work.

I feel strongly that the sports are a big way for him to fit in with the general population and he loves it. I want him to feel challenged without feeling too odd. We have lots of local Sports teams out of the school but it's not as easy to form freindships. We don't do many playdates - that's a whole other issue. There are lots of kids on our street to play with.

There is another option that is a free gifted school that sounds like they would get the academic just right for the indivuals but no sports and a unpleasant commute. The population is very small, 130 k-6. I wonder if he would have more peers than at a bigger school.

The deciding factors needs to be what is best for him socially. Social is a weak area for him but not very bad. I do think academics effect social becuase if he is underachieving too much it hurts his selfimage. So I'm thinking I would go for a little less perfect academics if the sports are there and the school is in a better location.

I have talked to some parents about some schools and was then wanted to try a prove the school to be a good fit. I'm not sure if this is realistic. One school does the SCAT test every year. I was thinking if my son does the same test then we would see where he fits in? One school is working 2yrs ahead. I'm not sure if they could prove this. Maybe I could show them his school papers and then they could estimate how much ahead they are.

A Mom of a gifted child told me about a montessori school K-8, Population 200(seems very small), no sports but they can be very flexible and accomidating to gifted. Everyone works a different levels. I'm not sure about how many intellectual peers.

If anybody has comments to help me figure this out I would appreciate it.

Last edited by onthegomom; 12/18/09 08:10 AM.