Hi Buster,
I haven't faced this with my DS, but I am a terrible speller! I made a choice not to use spell checker here to demonstrate that spelling and intelligence are not 'always' directly correlated.

I was looking at this

In Unit 2 we discussed the different types of language skills which are important for reading and writing; i.e., phonology, orthography, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. Orthography, or the spelling patterns of English, is the study of the ways in which speech is represented in writing. Because there is not a direct, one-to-one relationship between speech sounds and letters in English, students are often taught to memorize word spellings. However, an understanding of the nature of the spelling process has led to an appreciation of the critical role of linguistics, i.e., knowledge of language structures, in learning to spell. Research has also led to a renewed appreciation of the reciprocal relationship between reading and spelling. Prior to the 20th century, spelling was the primary method of teaching reading and we again recognize that spelling instruction enhances reading skill; for example, through the reinforcement of letter patterns (Carreker, 1999).

It is important for teachers to understand that spelling is more complex and more difficult than word identification. In order to be good spellers, students must be able to ENCODE, that is segment words into sounds and map those sounds onto letters in the correct sequence. They must also possess considerable knowledge about the correct orthographic representation for the sounds in each word. For example, a student who is able to determine that the long vowel /e/ is present in a word still must be able to select from multiple spellings for this sound in order to spell the word correctly. Although there are some general �rules� for spelling sounds such as the -ey spelling for the long e sound at the end of words, in other cases (such as the word �team�) the student must rely on memory for the correct spelling. The student�s memory for letter sequences must be exact - �taem� and �teem� are incorrect while �team� is correct. In addition, correct spelling in English requires knowledge of syntax, morphology, and semantics. For example, students must understand that past tense is formed by adding -ed to words even though the -ed ending may have three different sounds (/t/; /d/; /ed/).
So apparently 'bad spelling' can be the result of a lot of different things, and there are many parts of orthographic memory. For example, in elementary school, I was great at spelling long science words, because there followed a few rules and were otherwise 'like they sounded.' I also have problems 'seeing' the blackboard in my head, and sort of average working memory, a bottleneck for me.

I would track down what she can spell, and what she can't. I would try to find out what abilities are intact, and which ones are hopeless. I would try to teach her latin roots, and greek roots. If she isn't getting much out of pull outs - can they see her before or after school? Can you do it yourself? Can you hire a tutor?

Does she have a blackboard - I can't close my eyes and see '462 + 589' at all. But I'm very fast at processing speed, so if I repeat the numbers over and over, I can run to paper and write them down. Then I can solve the problem.

Have you had her checked by an OT? I also had trouble telling my right from left hand, compared to agemates. Certian excersizes, such as swimming, that involve crossing the midline seem to help.

Bottom line is - your number one priority is to keep growing her strengths. Number 2 is to get the teacher on board. Have pleasant meeting after pleasant meeting until teacher gets the message, and don't be afraid to say how much this is hurting DD emotionally. School understand that and care. Go to the principle or IEP person if nicey-nice doesn't move the teacher.

Also, start teaching DD keyboarding. I remember feeling quite stupid before I found 'spell checker.' Lucky for me I can recognise the right word.

Also, keep an eye out for 'top-down' thinking. I'm naturally a 'see the whole picture in a moment' kind of thinker. Asking me to tell you the details that led me to my conclusion is asking a lot of me. I'm just really a fish in water when I'm flying over a problem like a bird in the air. If this is one of your daughter's strengths, help her understand that G-d made each of us with unique talents, and this is one of hers. G-d needs spellers and birdseye viewers, even if school doesn't. Which is why 'job one' is developing her gifts.

Write back and let us know exactly what words she can do and which tasks she can't. If she can identify misspelled words, can she select the correct one if given 3 choices?

Love and More Love,

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