Hi, we have had ds9 assessed for this (and several other things) but this test you mention, QEEG, was not used.
Kristianna's comments are hopeful, however it might not be entirely a figment of the american establishment's imagination that adhd is a real condition. Perhaps more a function of the times than any one country's medical frame of mind. I was curious about the prevalence in the u.s. vs. other countries, I found this link/article, which does make it sound like it's not just an american issue. I very much wanted to believe ds9 did not have adhd, and in fact he does not, but I wanted to find out for sure and could not entirely discount some behaviors and comments from others - so we had the assessment done.
I think there are many parents on this board who have found a diagnosis of adhd extremely helpful as it has pointed them in the right direction for therapies, etc. I do hope you are able to find out what is up with your son, one way or the other (and always remember some great advice I've gotten here - even after the test/assessment results are 'in', your kid is still just the same kid!!!)

Hugs smile

Oops, almost forgot the link!


Last edited by chris1234; 12/12/09 05:24 PM.