Well things are a bit better with my DS in 3rd, but I'm still concerned. I went in this week to help in art and he was not zoning out like a week ago. He seems less upset about school too.

This is my take on what's happening. His 3rd grade class does a Math page review while he is allowed to skip it and do his 4th Grade Math. He says he has trouble concentrating at this time. This seems strange to me because he is very good a tuning out his surroundings. So I'm thinking he just doesn't want to do it. He also can do the 4th Grade Math during class when everyone is doing their independent daily work. His teacher says he begins free reading before his 4th Gr. Math. G&T teachers idea is he is not to bring the 4th Gr. so they can see he manages it during the day. He has brought it home occassionally. Right now he is 2 lessons behind. Usally he is an ambitious kid.

He is not too please about this math still because it is too easy and too much review. I am trying to help him find value in this even if it's not what it should be. He does except that he his doing half as much work than if he would do it next yr the regular class way. I also acknowledging his feelings about how it is not challenging. I tell him this is a unique experience that he is working just 2 kids with the G&T teacher. It is a time to show her what he knows and do his best despite everything.

I'm not sure the G&T teacher realizes how bad this is for him despite our converstations. He would rather do his mindware book than this 4th math. I don't think he should be able to quit it. I worry that school will view his situation as he is not able to handle more challenges. But it's really about they are not challenging him enough. This G&T teacher knows he is taking the EXPLORE in January. Maybe that will be more informative. Does anybody think it would help us to take the SCAT too?

Maybe the new game plan should be if they are not going to get the challenge right, then he should just get out his mindware books, that he actually gets something out of.

The hard part of this is I'm just a mom, not a Math expert or teacher. I don't know exactly what he needs but it seems very obvious this is not enough challenge.

Any ideas how to make this better? or help him deal. We can't get into another school or full grade accellorate right now to another grade.