Grinity - Version 10.1 is out now, and I think it has grown leaps and bounds over the last 8 years. She does edit her own mistakes as well as some introduced by the software, however, those introduced by the software have been great teaching moments on identifying homophones. LOL. The more the software is used, the more it learns her style and reduces the amount of software mistakes.

She has been using the software on my fully loaded laptop, however, we are going to purchase a fully upgraded pc2go (love the touch/tablet and waterproof keyboard feature) for her to start using and DH has assured me that the software will run just fine on it too. We shall see. :-)

Jules726 - we too are very proud of our school and the teachers in it. We have actually had to be persuaded by the teachers to accelerate our DD, we have been dragging our feet, and not wanting a 4 year old in 3rd grade. They have been patient with us and have been politly explaining DD's frustration with their own math curriculum (K12 & Sadlier Oxford) as her being bored and already knowing the grade level material. After enrolling DD in the EPGY program, it has given me the paranoid mom the evidence I needed to belive her teachers, and allow them to move her ahead.

Do not give up the fight, the right fit is out there.