Here's the link from Hoagies but most are in Southern California.
Contact the prospective tester, and speak to her/him in advance. Find out what tests s/he offers, what feedback s/he provides. Confirm that the tester 'feels right' for your family and your child, has experience with gifted children, particularly those of your child's age. Confirm her/his experience with various levels of giftedness, no matter how moderately gifted you suspect your child is - many of us have had huge shocks after professional testing - and experience with twice exceptional gifted children. Discuss any learning differences or suspicions that you have, in advance; some testers are not comfortable or experienced with twice exceptional children. Read the tester's published writings, and visit their website, if applicable.
DD7 didn't act up in class so I finally gave up on getting an assessment through the school. Since I was paying for it myself, I found someone who specialized in gifted children. It's up to you to balance the cost/stress ratio but you've found a sympathetic place to work through it. Another thing to consider is some schools won't take an assessment from someone that's not on their "approved" list.