I am so disappointed and frustrated...

DS(6) is bored in 1st grade and talking/joking in class instead of doing his work. (From my observations, he seems about Ruf level 4.) I've talked to his teacher about providing more challenging work, but she wants him to complete the "boring" stuff and will only provide extra projects later in the year (as opposed to substituting more advanced work).

I also asked if he could be tested for giftedness, and she agreed to ask the school psychologist. Well, what she just sent us is a recommendation to see an educational psychologist who specializes in learning disabilities, psychological disorders, social skills deficits, etc. Aaarrrrggh...

He does not have a learning disability, for certain. And my gut is that he doesn't have ADD or ASD or any other 2E condition, but he is simply bored and needs to be extended! How can I help his teacher to understand that?

It appears she is pretty clueless about giftedness (she is young, so may not have had much experience). She is viewing this as primarily a behavioral issue and it's starting to develop into a battle of wills between her and my son.

If anyone has any recommendations for testing in the Bay Area (CA) please let me know!