Thanks again, everybody!! I have ordered the book and am anxiously awaiting its delivery.

Katelyn'sMom: My eldest son is biologically mine, but not my husbands, so I'm thinking he could just be completely different.

The more I look into this, my younger two, who are biologically my husbands, are both displaying signs of being very gifted. My husband was/is also gifted, he was tested but we don't know his scores, we do know that he was invited to join Mensa, when he was very young. I was a good student, but I don't know if I was gifted, as I was never tested, same for my eldest sons biological father. The pediatrician suggested we have my eldest tested when he was 6 because I had mentioned that he was struggling at school. We were referred to a psychologist, he was diagnosed with ADHD inattentive type and fell into the high-average IQ range.