Hello there,

I'm not entirely sure I belong here, but I think I do.

When it came time to send my now 6 year old to K, we decided against it, since we had already committed to homeschooling for his elder brother who was displaying some developmental problems. The problem is, I have absolutely no idea if he is gifted, because I don't have anyone to compare him with as it were.

He was reading at 2.5, I know that is advanced, he also has an incredible vocabulary for his age *I think*. But the thing that really stands out about him, is his processing speed with math and the speed with which he can pick up a new concept. He amazes me, since he is faster than I am. I recently showed him how to multiply multiple digit numbers, I showed him one time and now he is off multiplying big numbers all over the place (and for fun!), I also played a you tube vid of someone doing a complicated math trick and he mastered that too after seeing it once. It seems to take him only a split second to add numbers together and take them away.

I'm thinking that he is probably gifted and I would like to get him access to some programs if he is, but I'm really not sure where to start since we aren't going through the school this time.

We recently enrolled him in an EPGY open enrollment program (actually, it was just yesterday and he went from grade level 0.0 to 2.2 in a day!), but I'd like to get him more help and it seems like these programs require IQ testing? How can I get him tested without a school being involved?

Thanks in advance for any advice! smile

Last edited by tofu; 11/16/09 08:31 PM.