I noticed this about DD when she went through major learning or growth spurts, and our solution is now part of our daily life. I fill a cupcake tin with healthy snack choices (12 cups, 12 choices) and leave it on her snack table and throughout the day her goal is to eat it all.

A handful of raisins, cherry tomatoes, pretzels, banana chips, cut up cheese sticks, frozen berries, frozen grapes, trail mix, nuts, carrot sticks, you name it, I put it in. Just a little of each. If there are perishable items (cheese sticks and such) I fill a smaller mini muffin tin and leave it in the fridge on the shelf she can reach.

She knows that all items in these tins are fair game, and she does not even need to ask.

I find that if she grazes all day, we have far less meltdowns. We also supplement with Omega-3 daily.