I think there are more of us out there. It takes us awhile to put it into words. Some of never do.

Montessori if a true one, should be a great help. Look for AMS or AMI certified school and teachers. AMS is a bit more liberal for lack of a better term. Either way one of the main points is to help the child focus. In the case of someone that sees/feels/experiences everything all the time and at once, it can be such a wonderful experience to focus on one thing.

So don't be surprised if your DS chooses what you would think is baby work to begin with. It may be pouring water, working on a lacing board or doing the land/air/water work over and over again for a month. Imagine what it's like for a kid that is getting so much information and feelings all the time what a breath of fresh air it is to NOT have that for a moment.

Or he may wonder for awhile, also very expected. Lots to see after all.

Either way, it's a great place to start the training of the mind to block out the exterior in an appropriate way.

I'm a certified Montessori teacher if you're wondering. Keep up your hopes, it will work out...because you are aware and you are seeking solutions.