Originally Posted by Momma Bear
I think, for me anyway, I didn't have an 'Attention Deficit' or 'Hyperactivity'. I just saw and felt and experienced EVERYTHING. So while the person sitting next to me only saw the bird flying by and felt happy that they saw the bird and enjoyed the experience. I saw the bird, the prey it was after, the person sitting next to me on the bench, the dog in the park, the flower blowing in the wind you get the point; I felt upset at the bird, sad for the prey, curious about the person, anxious about the dog, and hopeful that I'd get to pick the flower; I experienced EVERYTHING ALL AT ONCE. So it wasn't a deficit or hyperactivity. It was that I was capable of so much more than the average person. I just had to learn to tame it.

I hope I quoted that correctly!

THIS describes my ds so well. In fact, this is how he describes himself; he's quite verbally gifted, yet at 6 he doesn't describe himself quite so eloquently. BUT, in his own words, this is what he says too!

He's so aware and feels so much. He is interested and learns a great deal about what's going on around him but is overwhelmed by it at the same time. I spoke with my doctor about it today; he is not ds's doctor, but he does see children. He suggested waiting until ds has some time to get adjusted at the Montessori school. He thinks medication should always be a very last resort and should only be used if significant learning and/or social/behavior problems exist. He is concerned about the cardiac effects specifically and has stopped prescribing stimulants completely. For those meds, he refers you to another doc.

Ds has been going to that small private school for enrichment classes, and he's in heaven when he's there. He never has a meltdown or attention issues when he's there. He's not confined to a desk and doesn't have to be quiet the whole time, but they see no problems at all and want ds to attend full-time. Why doesn't he act that way for me? confused Actually, I have to say that on the days that he goes there, he's great when he gets home too.