Wow. What a confusing test! I hope it helps the teachers, because it certainly leaves me confused. I'm now beginning to think it might be closer to DSs level than I originally thought. In school he has no set reading book to bring home, just free choice from the library. At home, although not a keen fiction reader, he really seems to be taking an interest in fiction at last - thanks to Roald Dahl. We've been going through his books from the Enormous Crocodile up to now, Matilda -and with all the humor he loves them. He reads Matilda to me almost without error, and laughs out loud over the funny parts. If he had the chance to read something he found truely interesting, fiction or non-fiction in the test, I suspect he could have reached the score. Not with the writing part though - that I find strange. DS's score was posted both on his 'conference' report, and official school report. It is a bit strange that they would not follow the test precisely, and then have recorded it in this way.