This may provide a partial answer but it's one I don't like. mad
Joetta Beaver states in the DRA2 kit, �Students who are reading above grade level should read no more than one grade level above their present grade.� Therefore, when administering the assessment, a student will not need to be assessed beyond one grade level above where he/she is. Meaning, it is the beginning of the year for a 1st grade students. He reads at a level 18 with at least 94% text accuracy and adequate comprehension. The teacher will not need to continue the assessment for that student. She has the information she needs in planning for instruction. More information about this student will be determined from independent reading conferences.
Personally, I don't like the idea of setting an artificial testing limit because it seems to go against the process for developing talent. It also goes against the supposed purpose of the DRA to identify students' reading level.

P.S. These answers makes me a little less mad, but just a little.
The DRA should not be given more than one grade level above. The recommendation is that students explore a variety of genres of literature and attention is given to more critical thinking at the level above rather than continuing to go to higher levels.
# Do you suggest a ceiling and only test one grade level above?
A: In general, it is usually recommended that students not be assessed with texts that are more than one grade level above the students' current grade level. The reason for this is that DRA is designed to guide teacher instruction and students who are truly successful and independent one year above grade level are making it. For students reading above grade level, text levels become less significant. These students should be selecting texts across levels to meet their varied purposes for reading. Keeping in mind that it is important not to get runaway DRA scores where the student is NOT solidly achieving in both oral reading fluency and comprehension.

Last edited by inky; 11/08/09 11:54 AM. Reason: P.S.